Friday, February 8, 2013

399... going on 400

a round number... it's just a random number, equally unsignificant like any other, simply another number in line

a round number is something special... a turning point... a milestone for a new start!
Prince sang about it: "tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999"
*just for the record, last week I partied even better! but that's a different story...
*wondering what year that could be compared to... ^_^

... scusi... I'm straying off

a round number...
it's cool
it's exciting
or at least, that's what I tend to think about it

as is the case for my current number of facebookfriends
it's now set on 399...
who will be 400? there are 3 options

1) a celebrity
scenario sketch: tomorrow morning I'll walk out of my door, sun shining on my face, I'll go running, elegantly and sporty -like in the movies- and I will bump into a famous guy
preferably Henry Cavill
he is charmed... no not just charmed... speechless by my dazzling presence, we start talking, go to the bakery together, exchange cell phone numbers and after my shower I'll check my facebook and I'll have a friend request from Henry Cavill... my 400th friend ^_^
*too bad this will not happen...
already after the first comma the probability level failed
... it's Belgium... what are the chances the sun will shine O_°*

2) the love of my life
scenario sketch: Prince Charming... no wait he's a wussie... Mr. Right will wake up tomorrow morning and will turn on his computer to check his facebook
after his second spoon of coco pops a strange feeling will overwhelm him and guided by faith he will take a long shot -like Google's "I'm feeling lucky"- and search for me
I'll accept his friend request, we will meet and fall madly in love
he'll propose to me in the most romantic way imaginable, we'll get married and live happily ever after
*too bad this won't happen either...
I mean... coco pops... really!! please eat something manly for breakfast... like frosted flakes... at least they have a tiger for a mascotte*

3) just another facebookfriend
sadly enough the option with the highest probability
life goes on...

no worries!
I'll have fun with my 4th, 18th, 111th, 215th, 249th, 374th, 376th, 377th, 379th and 395th facebookfriends

and with all others :D

... still curious who'll be my 400th...

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