Thursday, April 11, 2013

the mirror gang - part XI

This morning when I woke up, the girl on the radio reminded me of A.
"Today is Tuesday, boekskesdag!"    *I know, it's Thursday by now, but whatever
Automatically I thought of A.'s desk drowning in a new weekly batch of boekskes... and this a day after she cleaned it up, poor gal.

But let's retrospect for a second...

When I was A.'s neighbour for the politics-episode of the quiz I didn't know that much about her.
Nothing actually... except for her reputation as 'magazine gal' or boekskeswijf
In other words dreaded competition cause she knows about everything about everyone in about every corner of "celebrity world" - and no, there was no peeking for answers! (okay, there was, but that was reciprocal)
But firstly she was - and is - incredibly fun to talk to and such a sweet girl!
And of course ^_^ very open: already after 15 minutes I was updated on the entire story of her and Al., a guy she really liked - this gave us immediately a conversation opener for the next couple of weeks - with information on their mutual whereabouts, messaging, meetings etc :)
*I could detect some butterflies :D

But back to the quiz...
*Funny thing: when I watch the quiz-episodes again, I can understand my friends a little bit better in their "Where is Waldo"-quest   *or more like "Where is C.?"*   cause even though I know where I was seated, I look like a dog in front of a fish tank watching his favourite fish swim by - or whatever comparison seems appropriate...

First round: inquiry - or how does the Fleming think *aka pain-in-the-ass-round*
One of the questions involved a more 'naughty' question: which of the following female politicians would you like to see naked? With resolute determination I pressed B   *not joking... I have it on tape - or DVD actually - me in close-up excessively decisively pressing the button
The next question involved a slightly repulsive equivalent of the previous: which of the following male politicians would you like to see naked?  
A) A. De Croo   *ieuw... no way... never... not for a million box... God no... no no... message to my visual mind: STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!
B) K. Peeters   *Flemish Prime Minister, aka George Clooney of the Wetstraat... possibly... probably...
C) B. De Wever   *lost 50 kilos in six months, so blubby belly... nah ah... didn't think so...
So I pressed B...
... and it turns out the average Fleming answered A... ieuw... no no... ieuw   *don'
*emphatically unwanted mental picture... this would haunt me...

Second round: pictures
Q1: which of these is not a 'political' couple?
*aaaand again close-up of me
The intermezzo of co-show host Sam brought him to A.: "Where there's gossip, there's A. van de boekskes... you read them all right?" - "Yes, all of them, I've got them all on my desk!"
*and look at her smiling ^_^   (hereby message to me: close your mouth C., you look like a retard... of course on national television, since I was right next to A....)
Q6: which of these liberals is the youngest:  A) A. De Croo,  B) J.-J. De Gucht,  C) M. De Clerq
*... I don't give a damn about politics... djeez, how am I supposed to know? ... I guess... C)
In the mean time, co-show host Sam was standing in front of me for his intermezzo   *ouf... exciting ^_^
"C., did you answer correctly?"  -  "Mmm, neh," I knodded apathetically, but with my usual big smile  -  "Though, you did play the finale once, lost by a bit, but this round isn't your best?"  -  "Nope, not really..." I said frowning simultaneously with the big smile *weird sight... gotta admit*  -  "C., you're 26 and still single..."  -  "Uhu"  -  "Which one of these three is on your 'to do'-list?"  -  "Ugh! None of them"
*Dear Lord, the thought alone...  I later on received a message from S. saying: "Well said, girl ;)", so thank God... it's good to know there are still other sane women on the planet (and there were more of them in the recording room... strangely enough to the inquiry results, more or less all women Sam talked to...)


Oh... by the end of that episode A. and I had created a virus ^_^  ... the one of applauding synchronically with the quiz jingle aka being a pain in the ass of the sound editors


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

the mirror gang - part X

Okay, let's see... where did I leave off...
Right! I was about to storm out one government building to head for the other (aka the recording studio)
And again: the exhausting run up hill, including the pounding heart and the gasping for air at arrival
Though I was getting better already! The one-day-old goal of 15 minutes... I did it :D
Still, thank God these were the only two times I had to do that -_-
The same friendly faces welcomed me and I sat down happy as a kid in a toy store
By that time I had finished my second day as a real employee of the state, but the start of my real adult life seemed totally irrelevant back then :)

Yesterday's themes had gone quite well:
Firstly: Royalty  -  categories 'are you a royalistic, republican or neutral'
Secondly: Foooooood  ^_^  -  categories 'food preference (meat, fish, gourmand (or devil-eat-it-all), degustator (or devil-eat-it-all-as-long-as-the-dish'-name-is-inversily-proportional-to-its-size-and-quantity), veggie (or devil-don't-want-to-eat-whatever-had-a-face) or allergy (or devil-really-want-to-but-can't-eat-it-all-cause-if-I-do-I'll-pop-or-blow-up))
I was really enjoying this category thing: there's a conversation opener on every moment of the day to any person in the room
Very interesting to know who to invite for a serious BBQ for example... or better to whom I should invite myself for a BBQ ;)   (since my BBQ-skills are as developed as my cooking skills... so not...)
... And no, no I didn't put myself with the food allergy people... my craving for meat is still and will ever remain dominant to whatever current and/or future intolerances
*Btw Ian, thx a million for the spare ribs last weekend :)

Today's themes: Politics and the Seaside (capitalized, our 65 kilometers of coastline do deserve this)
Categories: newspaper preferences and travel preferences
Always curious who my next neighbour would be...

Now in the recording room I wasn't prepared for the barrage of (public) questions about my ride home by the entertainer - or actually... I was... that dude's just way too predictable
"There has got to be a budding romance here! Come on... 100 people, a quarter of which is single... give me a break here,"
*I knew this was more than just a quiz... secret dating agency alert*
"You, C.?"
*O_O  oh crap, I suck at poker faces*
"Nobody for you in this range of fine young dudes?"
*Yes maybe, but that is totally and utterly none of your business...
"No no," I said maybe a little bit too suspiciously convincing and shaking my head from left to right like a retard
"Are you sure? What about T., your chauffeur?"
*Ok, he's sweet and cute, but I just want you to move on and find someone else to pick on... why did you even pick me? I wasn't looking you way! There are other single women here...
"No no," I repeated whilst I kept on shaking my head
"Nothing happened in the car?"
*For crying out loud!!!  
"No no"
"Not your type?"
"No no"
"Ok then... Hey, did you hear that joke about..."
Pff thank God... definitely not comfortable with that kind of heat
*Btw T., you told me I broke your heart a liiiiitlle bit here, but don't worry... I do love you ^_^

After that barrage I continued babbling, chatting and gossiping with my first - and for today the only noteworthy - neighbour who turned out to be the 'magazine gal'... an 25 year old girl from the Seaside, living in Brussels, who reads magazines for a living, blogs and wears a cute little fox for a necklace
... this is when I met A.   (A for Awesome ;))

"And recordings start in 3, 2..." Wes-the-producer shushed us.
"Good evening..." the show host started and we were in place for another episode of quiz fun