Sunday, March 31, 2013

the mirror gang - part IX

I heard a double *whistle* (like when construction workers do when a short-skirted woman passes by their yard) – my sound for a text-message
*very funny! you should try it… it’s a real head turner

My phone made some noise again… I had turned it off during the recordings but I knew the thing would go nuts once I’d turn it on again
Cause what was already old news for me, was a big surprise for my family and friends (and A LOT of people saw that episode! even two months later I still ran into people telling me “hey, I saw you on TV a while ago,” invariably followed by “I was switching channels and by accident I got to that quiz...”
*there’s no such thing as coincidence... don’t you know by now*

So... my phone went nuts: “OMG so close!” “Humo! Humo!” (the name of the magazine I was supposed to answer) “damn you looked hot! admirers will come flying to you!” (no they didn’t and  no I di... OK, I did look good ^_^) etcetera...

I  turned on my laptop to check facebook
Still wide awake (so much for the time won by hitchhiking with T.)
I sighed... a sigh of pure happiness

By that time the length of my facebook-friends list was rising, I had Maggy, S. and D. (who has an incredibly nice and sweet profile pic but more on that later) already before New Year’s, so more and more the quiz adventures would expand to the digital realm (in the end resulting in our own group ^_^ *killer idea, S.!!!)

OKAY! Fb too had gone nuts!
“OMG that was thrilling”, “such a pity”, “you were great!” and one very sweet, though slightly giving away a – for now, but not for long, except for that one it’s all about – secret “you look as good on TV as you do in real life... and I’m thrilled my 6th sense still works ^_^” from Maggy
I replied with a “thx, and btw my 6th sense still works as well cause I knew you would ask me that” and went to bed

Then Friday after lunch I took some quality time to chat with Maggy
M.: “Good morning! Did you cell phone hold the barrage of messages? And why did you except that question from me?”
Me: “Heeeey! Well most of my friends congratulated me J … some where angry I let a guy win :D! And about your question…”
M.: “Yes?”
Me: “Well from the moment you said    say    I knew what you were gonna ask and I thought ‘damn it C.! it’s too clear!’… which is soooo not my intention!”
M.: “Ah but don’t worry, I’m really good in picking those things up”
Me: “Yeah me too, but usually I’m the only one, so I didn’t count on others with such a 6th sense J
M.: “Haha! But you know,…”   *and here comes the turning point to opening up the door to my heart by just a teeny tiny liiiiiiiiitle bit (too much)*   “… his body language to you is also quite open

…oh crap…   *head rush* *stomach butterfly rebellion* *instant lack of oxygen (or was it the airco at work? … no no it were the feelings)*

Me: “Nooooo sssjjjjtt! Don’t say that!”
M.: “Hahaha”
Me: “Now I’m gonna look for signals…!”
M.: “OK! Didn’t say a word”

*baaaaam! too late*

Me: “It’s just… I’m not ready for those kind of feelings… Last time my heart got broken, it wasn’t just broken, it was scattered… So it totally freaks me out!”
M.: “I understand… but that’s normal! BUT!!! No one ever died from looking ;)”
Me: “Hahaha! True :D  But I gotta go, the government calls me”

This was 1.45PM... in the next two hours there was of course only one thing on my mind...

Two hours later, 5 minutes before I had to storm out again for the 30 minutes run up hill, I quickly said goodbye to Maggy
Me: “Hup! Here we go again! I’m leaving work for something muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch more fun ^_^   But it’s a real pity you can’t join us today! We’re gonna miss you!”
M.: “Good luck to you all!!! It sucks I can’t be there, but I have got to study for my exams! And ehm… enjoy the view!”


I certainly did    ^_^
goddamn...  too cute *ouf* 


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