Wednesday, October 31, 2012

the return to the office

as if I can't be missed (not to sound presumptuous :))

it's been a month since my student job at the restoration office ended
but I kept in touch with them! ... or they kept in touch with me :)

first hit: e-mail from the office: do you wanna come for the Friday-sandwich?
of course! the Friday-sandwich is legen... wait for it... dary
ok, maybe not legendary, but still... very nice to be invited to the weekly office tradition I think!
I choose the usual "sea breeze"
what's a sea breeze, I hear you thinking... well it's a sandwich with smoked salmon, tartar sauce and rorippa
had no idea that green stuff is called like this, but I found it on Wikipedia... long live Wikipedia...
wow, my art history teachers should here me... I deserve to be punched
(art) historians aren't exactly supposed to look stuff up on Wikipedia, we're trained to go to a library... or to visit a peer-reviewed website
but I'm deviating...
I had a nice sandwich, an interesting chat with the former colleagues and an appreciated "keep us posted" before I left

second hit: a week later another e-mail from the office: would you like to join the proof-quiz?
maybe some preliminary explanation is desirable
one of the guys in the office, wait..., the only guy in the office is a member of a quiz team and they were organizing their own quiz
a quiz that needed some beta-testing before putting into operation
so, I join team 2 (the smaller team of 3 people; the other team has 4 members) and we start the quiz
we laugh, we think, we laugh again, we ache our heads in thinking (at least I did, I get pretty competitive during a quiz), but we lose (damn it) with only one point (damn it even more)
the winners won a jade plant, the runners-up won a bag of lolly pops (just to be sure I checked the ingredients list for milk stuff... didn't think they would put milk in lolly pops, but yes they do :( ... so... no price for me *snif*)
but we had lots of fun!

third hit: an e-mail from the boss (cool!)
"I'm sorry I wasn't in the office for your last day. I'm very pleased with your work and approach. If it's ok for you, we should go for a drink"
a drink! ... with the boss
so, couple of weeks later, I had dinner with the boss
yes! dinner! in the mean time the drink had become a dinner, boss's treat!
I was a bit worried for ackward silences, but the evening turned out to be very interesting!

no job offer though :)

maybe on the fourth hit?